Beautiful wordpress ready themes

WordPress was once a simple blogging platform but it has now evolved. Today, WordPress is used as foundation of corporate websitephoto galleryportfolio site or Content Management System (CMS) and its undertaking in the future is limitless.

As a WordPress user, we understand that it is important to keep up with its latest version. On 17th June 2010, WordPress launches 3.0 and took a significant leap from its previous 2.9. It has made tons of changes and added new features such as custom fields, custom post type, taxonomies and a lot more. Therefore by updating your WordPress, you can experience new functions that are included in the new version and most importantly it also ensures you safe from security flaws and exploits.

preview 40+ Beautiful WordPress 3.0 Ready Themes

If you are hosting your own WordPress blog, to ascertain your theme is WordPress 3.0 ready is necessary because it is stressful and extremely agitating to know that the plugin you intend to install is not functional or incompatible. Now that WordPress made such drastic changes, the task to make a theme compatible with plugins will not be easy. We are here to share WordPress 3.0 ready themes with you. You can now enjoy the convenience and beauty of these ready themes without frying off your brain.


Company Style

Corporate style theme for your corporate website. This theme can impress your visitors with it’s slick design.
Demo | Download

company style 40+ Beautiful WordPress 3.0 Ready Themes Read more of this post

Convert a PowerPoint 2010 Presentation to Video

Sometimes you might want to convert your PowerPoint 2010 presentations to video so users can watch them without having PPT installed on their computer. Today we take a look at converting presentations to video.

After you’ve created your Presentation click on File to access Backstage view.

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How To Download Torrents in Java, Windows, Symbian and Android Mobiles

How To Download Torrents in Java, Windows, Symbian and Android Mobiles

Mobiles with 3G and Wifi are common these days and various high speed data plans are available that gives lighting fast Internet speed.These mobiles (Smartphones) have high storage capacity and you can save movies and other multimedia files without any constraint.You can also download files directly from torrents using free mobile applications.

How To Download Torrents In Android Mobiles Read more of this post

How To Draw Apple ICloud Icon – Photoshop Tutorial

iCloud, the newest cloud storage service introduced by the Apple has a pretty simple yet beautiful logo. The icon is made from metallic material and has an extruded cloud icon on top of it. You may not know it, but creating this type of icon is actually very easy, and below is the iCloud icon that we will teach you how to draw in this post, using Photoshop!

icloud photoshop tutorial How to Draw Apple iCloud Icon   Photoshop Tutorial Read more of this post

Best premium wordpress themes

We have now awesome designs and the choice to use them free of charge! Of course, chances are that more people will use a free theme than a paid premium one, but you still can customize it a little bit to express your own online personality.


Demo | Download

sight 21 Free Premium WordPress Themes to Impress Read more of this post

Convert a PDF eBook to ePub Format for Your iPad, iPhone, or eReader

Would you like to read a PDF eBook on an eReader or mobile device, but aren’t happy with the performance? Here’s how you can convert your PDFs to the popular ePub format so you can easily read them on any device.

PDFs are a popular format for eBooks since they render the same on any device and can preserve the exact layout of the print book.  However, this benefit is their major disadvantage on mobile devices, as you often have to zoom and pan back and forth to see everything on the page.  ePub files, on the other hand, are an increasingly popular option. They can reflow to fill your screen instead of sticking to a strict layout style.  With the free Calibre program, you can quickly convert your PDF eBooks to ePub format.

Getting Started

Download the Calibre installer (link below) for your operating system, and install as normal.  Calibre works on recent versions of Windows, OS X, and Linux.  The Calibre installer is very streamlined, so the install process was quite quick.

Download the Calibre eBook program

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Download YouTube Videos the Easy Way

You can’t be online all the time, and despite the majority of YouTube videos being nut-shots and Lady Gaga parodies, there is a lot of great content that you might want to download and watch offline.

There are some programs and browser extensions to do this, but we’ve found that the easiest and quickest method is a bookmarklet that was originally posted on the Google Operating System blog (it’s since been removed). It will let you download standard quality and high-definition movies as MP4 files. Also, because it’s a bookmarklet, it will work on any modern web browser, and on any operating system!

Installing the bookmarket is easy – just drag and drop the Get YouTube video link below to the bookmarks bar of your browser of choice. If you’ve hidden the bookmark bar, in most browsers you can right-click on the link and save it to your bookmarks.

Get YouTube video

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Check Your Spelling, Grammar, and Style in Firefox and Chrome

Are you tired of making simple writing mistakes that get past your browser’s spell-check?  Here’s how you can get advanced grammar check and more in Firefox and Chrome with After the Deadline.

Microsoft Word has spoiled us with grammar, syntax, and spell checking, but the default spell check in Firefox and Chrome still only does basic checks.  Even webapps like Google Docs don’t check more than basic spelling errors.  However, is an exception; it offers advanced spelling, grammar, and syntax checking with its After the Deadline proofing system.  This helps you keep from making embarrassing mistakes on your blog posts, and now, thanks to a couple free browser plugins, it can help you keep from making these mistakes in any website or webapp.

After the Deadline in Google Chrome

Add the After the Deadline extension (link below) to Chrome as usual.

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