Convert a PowerPoint 2010 Presentation to Video

Sometimes you might want to convert your PowerPoint 2010 presentations to video so users can watch them without having PPT installed on their computer. Today we take a look at converting presentations to video.

After you’ve created your Presentation click on File to access Backstage view.

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Convert a PDF eBook to ePub Format for Your iPad, iPhone, or eReader

Would you like to read a PDF eBook on an eReader or mobile device, but aren’t happy with the performance? Here’s how you can convert your PDFs to the popular ePub format so you can easily read them on any device.

PDFs are a popular format for eBooks since they render the same on any device and can preserve the exact layout of the print book.  However, this benefit is their major disadvantage on mobile devices, as you often have to zoom and pan back and forth to see everything on the page.  ePub files, on the other hand, are an increasingly popular option. They can reflow to fill your screen instead of sticking to a strict layout style.  With the free Calibre program, you can quickly convert your PDF eBooks to ePub format.

Getting Started

Download the Calibre installer (link below) for your operating system, and install as normal.  Calibre works on recent versions of Windows, OS X, and Linux.  The Calibre installer is very streamlined, so the install process was quite quick.

Download the Calibre eBook program

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What Is RSS?How It is Useful For Bloggers and Readers

What Is RSS?How It is Useful For Bloggers and Readers

RSS is very popular among bloggers and readers.RSS stands for Realy Simple Syndication.It is used for distribution of content to wide niche audiences.Its origin can be traced back to 1999 but it struck the limelight after Microsoft and Opera decided to adopt the Rss Feed icon in their browsers.RSS files are essentially XML formatted plain text.

How RSS is Useful For Readers?

Everyday a regular Internet surfer reads many new blogs and articles.If you really find some interesting blogs either you can bookmark them or Subscribe to RSS feeds to stay in touch with the latest updates of the blog.

Why RSS Subscription is Better than Bookmarking? Read more of this post

Access Offline or Overloaded Webpages in Firefox

What do you do when you really want to access a webpage only to find that it is either offline or overloaded from too much traffic? You can get access to the most recent cached version using the Resurrect Pages extension for Firefox.

The Problem

If you have ever encountered a website that has become overloaded and unavailable due to sudden popularity (i.e. Slashdot, Digg, etc.) then this is the result. No satisfaction to be had here…

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How To Make Free VOIP Calls From Android or Iphone

How To Make Free VOIP Calls From Android or Iphone

VOIP stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol which is related to transmission of Voice calls over Internet.There are many applications which can serve the purpose but the only requirement is that both the phones should have same application installed and Internet connectivity (preferably Wifi or 3G)

Applications To Make Free VOIP Calls From Android or IPhone


Skype has software application  for mobiles which can be used for Instant Messaging,Free voice calls to phones (Skype Installed),Paid (cheap) calling to landlines and mobiles.It is one of the most popular service and recently Facebook has also launched Video calling Service which is powered by skype.

Download Skype Client For Your Phone

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Evolution of Microsoft Windows: 1985 – 2011

It all began in Plaza Hotel, New York City on the 10th of November 1983. Two Microsoft founders Paul Allen and Bill Gates officially announced their corporation’s first and next-generation graphical user interface operating system – Microsoft Windows.

microsoft evolution Evolution of Microsoft Windows: 1985   2009 Read more of this post

How Do Firewalls Work

How Firewalls WorkIf you have been using Internet on a regular basis or working in a large company and surf the Internet while you are at work, you must have surely come across the term firewall. You might have also heard of people saying “firewalls protect their computer from web attacks and hackers” or “a certain website has been blocked by firewall in their work place”. If you have ever wondered to know what exactly is this firewall and how it works, here we go. In this post I will try to explain “How firewalls work” in a layman’s terms.

How Firewalls Work

Firewalls are basically a barrier between your computer (or a network) and the Internet (outside world). A firewall can be simply compared to a security guard who stands at the entrance of your house and filters the visitors coming to your place. He may allow some visitors to enter while denying others whom he suspects of being intruders. Similarly a firewall is a software program or a hardware device that filters the information (packets) coming through the Internet to your personal computer or a computer network. Read more of this post

Trick to Lock Folder Without any Software

Trick to Lock Folder Without any Software

Securing confidential and personal data is always considered as a sophisticated task.You can use freeware third party softwares like Axcrypt, Disguise Folders etc to encrypt your data.If somehow you can’t use these softwares (installation restrictions) then you can secure your data using notepad.This trick works in windows xp,vista and windows 7.

Trick to Lock Folder without any Software

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