Beautiful wordpress ready themes

WordPress was once a simple blogging platform but it has now evolved. Today, WordPress is used as foundation of corporate websitephoto galleryportfolio site or Content Management System (CMS) and its undertaking in the future is limitless.

As a WordPress user, we understand that it is important to keep up with its latest version. On 17th June 2010, WordPress launches 3.0 and took a significant leap from its previous 2.9. It has made tons of changes and added new features such as custom fields, custom post type, taxonomies and a lot more. Therefore by updating your WordPress, you can experience new functions that are included in the new version and most importantly it also ensures you safe from security flaws and exploits.

preview 40+ Beautiful WordPress 3.0 Ready Themes

If you are hosting your own WordPress blog, to ascertain your theme is WordPress 3.0 ready is necessary because it is stressful and extremely agitating to know that the plugin you intend to install is not functional or incompatible. Now that WordPress made such drastic changes, the task to make a theme compatible with plugins will not be easy. We are here to share WordPress 3.0 ready themes with you. You can now enjoy the convenience and beauty of these ready themes without frying off your brain.


Company Style

Corporate style theme for your corporate website. This theme can impress your visitors with it’s slick design.
Demo | Download

company style 40+ Beautiful WordPress 3.0 Ready Themes Read more of this post

Best premium wordpress themes

We have now awesome designs and the choice to use them free of charge! Of course, chances are that more people will use a free theme than a paid premium one, but you still can customize it a little bit to express your own online personality.


Demo | Download

sight 21 Free Premium WordPress Themes to Impress Read more of this post

Add Free Google Apps to Your Website or Blog

Would you like to have an email address from your own domain, but prefer Gmail’s interface and integration with Google Docs?  Here’s how you can add the free Google Apps Standard to your site and get the best of both worlds.

Note: To signup for Google Apps and get it setup on your domain, you will need to be able to add info to your WordPress blog or change Domain settings manually.

Getting Started

Head to the Google Apps signup page (link below), and click the Get Started button on the right.  Note that we are signing up for the free Google Apps which allows a max of 50 users; if you need more than 50 email addresses for your domain, you can choosePremiere Edition instead for $50/year.

sshot-2010-06-03-[21-33-42] Read more of this post

Manage Your WordPress Blog Comments from Your Windows Desktop

Are you never more than a few steps away from your PC and want to keep up with comments on your blog?  Then here’s how you can stay on top of your WordPress comments right from your desktop.

Wp-comment-notifier is a small free app for Windows that lets you easily view, approve, reply to, and delete comments from your WordPress blog.  Whether you have a free blog or are running WordPress on your own server, this tool can keep you connected to your comments.  Unfortunately it only lets you manage comments at one blog, so if manage multiple WordPress-powered sites you may find this a downside.  Otherwise, it works great and helps you stay on top of the conversation at your blog.

Get notified with wp-comment-notifier

Download the wp-comment-notifier (link below) and install as usual. Read more of this post

Plugins For Better Security

WP DB Backup
WP DB Backup is an easy to use plugin which lets you backup your core WordPress database tables just by a few clicks. Besides it is so easy, it has also been one of the most used plugin to secure your WP-powered website.

wp db backup Hardening WordPress Security: 25 Essential Plugins + Tips

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