Take Control of a Netbook or Laptop Touchpad while Typing

If you’re a Netbook owner, you may have noticed how annoying it is when you’re typing something and the mouse cursor starts moving all over the screen. Here we take a look at a few ways to alleviate this problem.

It’s extremely annoying when you’re working on a document on a Netbook or Laptop and you accidentally hit the touchpad and the cursor jumps across the screen. What’s worse is when the cursor flies across the screen and launches an application that you didn’t want opened. Or even worse, it it jumps to a different location and tries to delete what you’re working on, or closes a window you were reading to get research done.


Here are a couple of easy to use freeware apps that do a good job of combating the annoyance by disabling the touchpad while you’re typing.

Touchpad Pal Read more of this post